360 years of
American History
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Who we are
Welcome to the online home of the Oliphant Clan and Family Association of North America. We are a registered 501c(3) non-profit focused on the continuation of Scottish history, culture, and music, and connecting all those of Scottish and Oliphant heritage in North America. By joining our Association, you become a member of a family stretching all ends of the world. Oliphants have been patriots, fugitives, aristocrats, explorers, farmers and Congressmen. Called 'the Dreaded Clan' by an infamous whisky baron, Oliphants have, and will continue, to, find themselves interlinked with great historic moments.

-Robert Louis Stevenson
The mark of the Scots is that he remembers and cherishes the memory of his forebears, and there burns alive in him a sense of identity with the dead even to the twentieth generation.

Join Us
The Oliphant Clan and Family Association has members spanning the North American continent. We send out quarterly newsletters containing pertinent information on our family history, projects, and gatherings. Upon joining members receive an information packet and official welcome from our President. Follow the link to learn more.
We are not affiliated in any way with any political organization or philosophy in the United States or elsewhere in the world. We are not interested in espousing any political causes or position and will not respond to requests for support, financial or otherwise. Please do not include us in any literature or Worldwide Web links that do not concern Scottish Heritage, Festivals or Games.