Founded in 2014, the Oliphant Clan and Family Association of North America has worked tirelessly in forwarding the acknowledgment and impact of the Oliphant name. Since William Oliphant emigrated to the Virginia Colony in 1672, there have been Oliphants making strides in education, the arts, politics, and medicine. Join us today, and learn about your history...or make your own.
Our Vision
What We Do
Our Association
The Association is devoted to learning and understanding the history and impact of both Oliphant and Scottish descendants in North America, and continuing outreach on Scottish culture in the New World.
We have attended over 200 Highland Games, holding booths and attending talks to forward our history. Additionally, every two years we hold a Gathering either in Scotland or America, where Oliphants and Oliphant descendants can learn of their shared history, as well as build ties with previously unknown family. Through our DNA project we have discovered historic fallacies and built new family ties by tracing the way our genetics have changed over time.
Among our members we retain experts in Education, History, Genealogy, and Genetics. By continuously searching and funding new paths to reaching our goal of finding and understanding the rich history of the Oliphant family. We are allied closely with our Clan Chief in Scotland, as well as representatives on all continents.